Financial Clout - Peter Heron
Book Valuation

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Financial Clout

18 Nov 2011

Financial Clout

One of the greatest frustrations in selling a property is delay. Delay not only causes anxiety, but also provides more time in which the buyer or seller can reconsider their position and withdraw from a purchase or sale.  

As our objective is to help you move with minimal stress, it is essential that we are able to do everything in our power to speed up your sale.

Apart from keeping a keen eye on the progress of any related transactions, one of the most effective ways of speeding up a sale is for your estate agent to be involved in the financial arrangements, particularly with regard to your buyer’s mortgage. This is especially important now that mortgage finance has become more difficult to source.

We therefore use experienced, qualified and competent independent financial advisers (IFAs) who can help “pre-qualify” buyers. When a pre-qualified buyer makes an offer on one of our clients’ properties, it is reassuring to know that they should be able to proceed without hindrance. References, credit history and anything else needed to qualify that buyer’s mortgage will already have been approved in advance, subject only to mortgage valuation of the property. (This is also useful if you are a buyer because it potentially puts you in a stronger negotiating position). 

Additionally, our IFAs use a mortgage sourcing system that gives instant access to hundreds of mortgage products from numerous sources, thereby making it easy to satisfy even the most challenging requirements. This includes buy-to-let and remortgages as well. The IFA will then explain the details in a language that you can understand and at a time and pace to suit you. Offers can sometimes be generated surprisingly quickly.

Going further, we can also arrange mortgage protection, buildings and content insurance, legal and survey work during the same meeting, saving buyer and seller a great deal of time. And of course, you’ll be kept informed thereafter every step of the way by one of our empathetic team members who are as keen as you that your move is smooth.