Going the Distance - Peter Heron
Book Valuation

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Going the Distance

17 Nov 2017

If you were to compare the map of UK surname distribution of the 1801 census with a similar map today, you would probably be surprised at how little change there has been since then, with local surnames still congregating around the area of their ancestral home.

Despite massive improvements in transport links, and speed of light communications that have, on the surface, turned the world into a village, most people do not appear to move very far from their place of origin.

Indeed, a recent survey suggests that people in England move an average of just 3 miles (12 miles in Scotland and 21miles in Wales). Removing the small distances involved in London, the averages rises to about 7 miles which is certainly enough for movers to claim they are moving “within the same area”.

Approximately 48% of the UK’s home moving population move no more than 5 miles, while just 13% move more than 50 miles.

Reasons for a move vary greatly, but aspirations prompted by property programmes on TV seem to have a huge influence on people’s decision to move. The focus on interior and garden design has possibly encouraged buyers to place more emphasis on the property itself rather than where it actually is.

Of course, location will always be a critical component in a property’s value, but there is certainly evidence to suggest that people may be increasingly willing to move slightly (but only slightly) out of their preferred area in order to release money for improvements or to secure a more interesting property than they would otherwise have been able to afford.

So if you’re considering selling, you might find that we bring you buyers who might not originally have considered your area – and that’s been one of the secrets of our success! Why not call us on 0191 5103223 to see which buyers we can bring you!